Sunday 28 August 2016

Woodhall Spa, Thimbelby and an old Chapel.

A few pictures from a recent drive in Lincolnshire.

Woodhall Spa.
The "Kinema in the Woods" dates from 1922 and is the only functional cinema in Britain
still using back projection. All the very latest films are shown here.

The bandstand in Jubilee Park at Woodhall.  The park is a popular place and has an open air
heated swimming pool which has just undergone a full refurbishment.  It's a very popular and
well used pool in Lincolnshire and a favourite of my grandchildren.
I didn't photograph the pool at all because using a camera anywhere near to where children
are playing is not acceptable these days.

Railings on the bandstand creating patterns.
Thimbleby is a picturesque village in Lincolnshire with many old cottages with thatched roofs.
The very first post on this blog was of Thimbelby and showed all the houses at the height of
summer with the gardens at their best.  We drove through the village on our way home from
Woodhall and I just had to photograph this cottage.
You can scroll back to the start of the blog to see all the other cottages in this lovely village or just clink on this link

An old Chapel.
Further along our drive we came across this little Chapel in a field. It was in between villages
so I can't give it a location.

All pictures taken on my Panasonic G6 with 14-42mm zoom lens.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Hubbards Hills.

These pictures were taken tonight at Hubbards Hills, near Louth.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Waltham in Lincolnshire.

Waltham is a lively village come small town in Lincolnshire.

The High Street.

This old cottage is well known and has been refurbished in recent years.

It's an old English tradition to have an anvil mounted in a village.

After a walk around the village this has to be the stopping off point.