Thursday 27 April 2017

Cleethorpes by Night (part 1 of 2)

Cleethorpes has quite a lively, colourful  nightlife.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

WW2 Nissen Huts.

Lincolnshire was known as "Bomber County" during WW2 because of the large number of aerodromes.  All but a few are now abandoned and mostly gone without trace.  Here and there though remnants of runways can be seen, being used as hard standing for the storage of straw bales or, as in this case, Nissen huts are still to be seen on the edge of fields where these aerodromes once existed.

Monday 17 April 2017

A Victorian Post Box.

I've been visiting the Lincolnshire Market Town for Many years so it came as a surprise when I spotted this old Post Office and Post Box last week.

The Old Trinity Post Office.

Monday 10 April 2017

Drive in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

These pictures were taken yesterday on a short drive through the Wolds.  Yesterday was the first really warm day of the Spring, 24 degrees C!

Today it's only 11 degrees C!!  Welcome to England.

Wild Garlic growing on a bankside in the North Ormsby Valley.  No flowers just yet
but I shall be returning for another shot when they are in bloom.

Oilseed Rape just coming into flower in the valley at North Ormsby. 

A typical Wolds view near Wold Newton showing the chalky nature of the soil.

Greater Celandine with Bluebells about to flower in the background.
These Bluebells have mutated and always have white flowers!

Lunaria (common Name Honesty) flowers.

New Beech Leaves.

The well photographed Post Box at Grainsby.

St Nocholas' Church at Grainsby.