It's 800 years since the Magna Carta was agreed and sealed at Runnymead on 15th of June 1215. There are only three copies of the Magna Carta and one of them is held in Lincoln Castle.
In the grounds of the castle a giant sand sculpture has been constructed depicting King John, the Bishops and the Barons. The document was never signed, as popular belief would have it, but it was "Sealed" with King John's seal, as depicted in the sand sculpture.
I took these few images on the 28th August to record the sculpture as, with the first rains, it will be gone.
On the left are the Barons who had the Charter written. On the right are the bishops. |
The Barons are depicted witnessing the sealing of the Charter, King John was very reluctant to
do so as it took away all his powers because as part of it stated, "No man is above the Law"
Here is shown King John applying The Great Seal.