Thursday, 24 September 2020

D-Day landings hero.

 In 2017 I photographed a veteran of the D-Day landings as part of my post covering the Cleethorpes Armed Services tribute Parade.  That man was Walter Marshall, a Royal Navy Intelligence Officer.

Sadly, Walter has died and his funeral was last week, an article appeared in our local newspaper.  Walter and some of his comrades played a big part in the landings both on the day and before, it's all in the newspaper report.  I've included a link to the report below:

Walter Marshall, D-Day Veteran

Please click on the link and read about Walter.

Lieutenant Walter Marshall.


  1. Have great respect for such gentlemen, they must never be forgotten. To think that Walter was there on D-Day Minus Three.

    One sentence on Grimsby Live strikes home the horribleness of war: "It was hell on earth. I was absolutely terrified. It was a bloodbath. You were wading through blood of young troops and the men dead in the water and on the beach. The sea was red. It was shocking."

    Such bravery. Puts our lockdowns etc. in proportion.

    1. It certainly does Mike. On the day I met & photographed him he told me, in a very modest way, that he was the first person to set foot onto his beach on D-Day but I had no idea of everything else he'd had to go through. Take a look at the pic of his medals to see which other campaigns he was involved in. I shook his hand that day in 2017.

  2. I can only imagine what it felt like as a 19 year old to experience such a thing. A true hero indeed, it must have felt a great honor to have shaken his hand and to take these photos.

    1. I felt honoured to meet him and hear his recollections of D-Day. He didn't glamourize it, just said he was the first on the beach.
      I didn't know the full extent of his experiences until the report of his funeral.

  3. The Greatest Generation.
    A great capture David; just so very sad that we're losing so many.

    Best to you

    1. Agreed Glyn, thank you for taking the time to see this.
