Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Ready for Christmas!

Sorry, I know it's still a bit early, but our Council had "The Big Switch On" last week in the main shopping street in Cleethorpes so I thought "Why wait?"
The lights came on about 4pm while there was still some light in the sky.

I started at the Christmas tree outside our Parish Curch, St. Peters.

It had been raining so, plenty of colourful reflections.

The most important shop in Cleethorpes!
I've been getting my photographic supplies and camera equipment from this family run firm
for sixty years now.

Almost back at St. Peters Church now, my £1 parking ticket is about to run out
so time to go home.

Olympus EM1 Mk2 + 12-100 Pro Lens.


  1. Beautifully done - a wonderful wander through the shops at Cleethorpes, the wet surface has made it come even more alive. Good value for £1!

  2. Thanks Mike, the parking is cheap but, unfortunately, so was the budget for Christmas street decorations this year. Austerity? 😯
