Monday 10 June 2024

A few sights along the seafront at Cleethorpes.

 Over the weekend Popcorn & I had one or two walks along our promenade and I photographed the inshore RNLI lifeboat going out on a "shout", plus one or two other "odd items".

I've uploaded them in the order that I took them.

Willys Pub is opposite the beach on our seafront, but what caught my eye was this gentleman
walking by dressed in smart attire we don't seem to see nowadays.

Something else you don't often see, two little dogs enjoying a trip out in their buggy!

On the beach is what I really came out to see, the work on our new RNLI station is coming
on now.  Work started in early 2020  but when the main contractor went into liquidation it all
stopped.  Now things are really moving and the steel structure is going up.

Suddenly a siren sounded and from the old RNLI inshore lifeboat station (opposite the new one)
the crew where going out on a "shout" to rescue someone out in the Humber Estuary.

The tide was way out so the "Rib" had to be taken to the water on a trailer, towed there by
the tractor.

One more crew member to join them.....

Away down the slipway....

And out to the water.
I've lived in Cleethorpes all my life and this was the first time I'd seen an emergency launch.
I've seen several practice runs, but this was for real!

This is looking into the compound for the new lifeboat station. 

Steels laid out on the ground waiting to be lifted into place.

I've been going down to photograph the construction and progress with the crane lifting and
lowering steels into place.  I'll post a few photo's of the work in a future post.

And finally, as I was walking along the seafront gardens along came a rather colourful couple who kindly allowed me to photograph them and also said I could post their picture on my blog.
They were on there way to a festival being held at the south end of Cleethorpes.

Nikon Z6ii + 24 - 70mm lens.


  1. Interesting post, David, love those little dogs, they look so happy! Have much respect for the RNLI - hope the call out was a success. As for the colourful couple, they look fun. Enjoyed the post very much. Good wishes.

    1. Thanks Mike, glad you enjoyed the pics. The ones of the new RNLI lifeboat station were taken on a couple of chilly but sunny days. David.

  2. Another very colourful and interesting set of phots, David. I liked seeing the RNLI boat being towed out to sea and that couple in your last photos...well, I think they were very brave. It really isn't warm enough to wander around with so much bare flesh, is it? Good for them for being courageous enough to do it!

    1. I agree Val, I was wearing a warm coat plus woolly hat!!
      Glad you liked the pics, it was a mixed bag on one of our walks.

  3. Wow! You got lucky to actually photograph an emergency rescue. I hope they were successful. I wonder how often they get called out. I have seen many practice maneuvers on our East coast, including helicopter practices, but never a real rescue except on the news. These are great photos and the 2nd dog picture is priceless since that dog gave you a big smile! That’s delightful, as is the colorful couple! I enjoyed these real life shots a lot. Ann K

    1. Thank you Ann, pleased you enjoyed this post. I was reading the information board at the currant RNLI lifeboat station today and they had 40 callouts last year. Wasn't that little dog great, thanks again Ann, take care. David.

  4. Yes that happy dog was amazing. Maybe you should start searching for smiling dogs only on your outings!
