Tuesday 30 May 2023


 A return visit to one of our favourite places, Grainsby in Lincolnshire.  A short visit as health issues are still a problem.

Grainsby is a traditional park on a farming estate, the house in the distance was once the
gatehouse when this was a gated area.

The Hawthorn blossom has been glorious this year.

A favourite wild plant, Cow Parsley is in abundance just now. 

I've not seen so many "candles" on the Horse Chestnut trees as we have this year.

Just a short drive from Grainsby is this dead, old stag of a tree.

In my garden now, a Buttercup flower in our "wild area".

Another flower from the wild area, a Cranesbill Geranium.

Nikon Z50 + 16-50 lens (garden flowers 40mm Macro lens).


  1. I shouldn't think you would ever tire ofGrainsby, however many visits you made. : the trees, greenery and fields are very uplifting. Glad you were able to manage a visit. Wish you and your wife well. Take care.

  2. Thanks for your comments Mike. Getting out is a problem just now, my wife is OK for short drives but finds walking very difficult. So I just take a few quick pics a short distance from the car, unless I get the opportunity to slip out by myself

  3. Absolutely lovely, David. The trees are quite magnificent. I can well imagine you’d enjoy endless return visits there. i’m so sorry to hear your wife is still so unwell. I do hope she’ll be back in good health before too long

  4. PS Another lovely header photo! It could be here in the Western Scheldt estuary.

    1. Thanks for your kind comments Val. The header pic is from a short walk I was able do by myself and will be on a blog post soon.

  5. I agree that the new header photo is wonderful and the composition is outstanding.Also, I’ve never seen a Hawthorn in bloom but it is really lovely. This whole series makes me want to visit this pastoral area. Love the close ups and I even think that the old dead tree is artistic in his own way, holding his own in the landscape. I’m glad you could get out and hope there is some way you can continue to find ways to enjoy your camera. During the lockdown I spent many hours shooting close up details inside our home and in our yard, just for fun. Best wishes, David, from Ann K.

    1. Thank you for your comments Ann, always appreciated. I spent a lot of time during lockdown photographing flowers in my garden, when we were allowed out again I took my newfound interest into the little country lanes.
      Covid changed things forever. Take care Ann.

  6. Yes, Covid changed everything. I hope we never have to experience anything like it again, but it seems our world is getting crazier all the time. Let’s hope for a better future for the next generation. Keep visiting those country lanes!
