The summer flowers are now coming into their own after the first rush of colour from the early Spring plants. I decided to take a walk around with my camera and, remembering the problems I've had photographing flowers in bright sunshine, I purposely chose an overcast day. I think the result was an overall better rendering of the contrast and especially the colours.
I've posted quite a few more pics this time.
So come with me on a short tour of my back garden.
(That sounds very pompous, it's not as if it's a country estate!)
I'm doing more container gardening these days. This is our patio. |
The view from the patio looking down the garden.
Fuchsias, a favourite of mine.
"Apricot Shades" Begonia. Another favourite.
At the bottom of our garden, more containers. |
Dahlia, first I've grown.
A few more Fuchsias.
We have lots of Buddleias to attract Butterflies, this is a dwarf version which we have two of.
Standard Salix tree with potted Begonias. I throw a few begonias into pots to move around and fill spaces. |
Single flower from our "Rose of Sharon" shrub which is flowering profusely.
"Apricot Shades" Begonias in a basket.
Finally, back to the patio where Suzi is hinting that it might be time for lunch.
Olympus EM1 Mk2 + 12-100 Pro lens.