Sunday 25 April 2021

Horses in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

 Lincolnshire is a mostly rural county and very popular for horse riders.  We see these horses regularly on one of our favourite walks and they usually amble over to see us.

Olympus EM1 ii + 14-42 EZ Mzuiko.


  1. A lovely set of photos, David, good to see the horses, such wonderful animals. We don't seem to see many on our walks. Always like white horses for some reason - probably goes back to playing cowboys as a child. Hope all is well, good wishes.

    1. It's good to be able to go out into the countryside again. Thanks Mike.

  2. I love how you have captured the expressive faces of the horses. Beautiful shots! There are many around here and I love to see the young ones run in the pastures. I’m finally getting interested in taking my camera out once again. It’s been so confining for so long I will probably have to learn all over again! Always enjoy seeing your posts and I’m happy that you are well and can be out again.

    1. Thank you Ann, we're venturing out into the countryside but only to our favourite (safe) places. We've both just had our 2nd vaccinations so will soon be a bit more adventurous and go further. In the meantime you may well recognise some of the areas we've been walking our Suzi.
      Still not mixing with the public but next week we go to get our hair cut and then to the Chiropodist. Living dangerously!!
      Take care.
