Monday 27 May 2024

Cleethorpes Promenade & Railway Station.

 Some recent photo's from a walk along our seafront on a rare sunny day.  It's nice to go down there in the off season when there aren't many visitors.

The entrance to our pier, dogs not allowed beyond here so we don't go there.

One of the cafes where dogs can sit outside with their carers.
(I don't like the term "owners" )

I never knew there was ice cream for dogs!

My previous two dogs have been Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  A gorgeous breed. 
The little Ruby dog has a tag on it's lead telling folk "I'm nervous".

The railway Station at Cleethorpes takes visitors right up to the beach.

Dogs are allowed on the beach from the end of October until Easter.  Then they are banned.

This is the cross Pennine train to Liverpool.

Passengers arriving.

While I was there some platform repair work was underway.

Helter Skelter, it's been here for many years, but I remember the more traditional wooden
one that stood here when I was a child.  The "big wheel" has always been here.

The Mermaid Café at the station.

Nikon Z6 ii + 24 - 70mm lens.

Sunday 19 May 2024

An evening and a morning walks.

 Popcorn & I had a walk yesterday on a lovely sunny evening, followed by another this morning.  No camera on either occasion so these are off my mobile phone, which isn't a top of the range model but needs must.

Farm track leading up to a new limestone quarry.

A barn at Wold Newton catching the low evening sun.  This barn was a favourite of my wife 
when we used to walk here together.

A row of some favourite trees.

Another pic of the barn, don't know why blogger put it out of sequence?  But we all
know how it sometime plays little tricks. 


The low evening sunlight catching the tops of these trees.

An old English Rose in a garden in the village.

Evening sun highlighting these Beech leaves.

And then on to this morning, these few pics taken at Grainsby.
A meadow full of Buttercups.

The road leading into an avenue of trees.

And finally, a rare summer version of the Fly Agaric fungi that only appears, in May, 
in Lincolnshire.  It's called  "Resinii Plasticus"!!

Great, don't you think?

Samsung mobile phone.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Fitties foreshore in March.

 Popcorn & I had a walk along the Fitties foreshore on a mild day in March.  I usually like the tide to be out so the creeks and sandbanks are visible but on this occasion it was high tide.

The large sandbank in the distance is only ever covered during a high Spring tide but there is 
a deep creek which encircles it with a strong current. People often get in trouble leaving things a bit late and then try to wade back to the shore!

It was a lovely quiet day along here and this cyclist was taking a break.

The craze of leaving padlocks with messages.

Another view of the sandbank.  It changes shape and it's position on the beach 
with each tide.

An example of a Lincolnshire "BIG SKY"!

Breakwaters leading to a popular part of the beach where it's relatively safe to let kids play. 

There are a few posts that have weathered over the years leaving shapes & textures.

Popcorn isn't too keen when I tether him for a moment when photographing.

"That's better dad, are we going now"?

Nikon Z6 ii with 24 - 70mm lens.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Ravendale Valley, Day Two.

 When I finished the first day of our walk at Ravendale Valley I said I intended to return on the next sunny morning.  Well, that was yesterday and surprisingly we had two consecutive days of sunshine in what has been a long wet winter & Spring.  So back to Ravendale today.

We parked our car at the cattle grid and set off into the valley.

Blackthorn Blossom everywhere, this has been a bumper Spring for it.  Maybe because of
all the rain?

A closer look at the blossom.

And then into the valley proper which has steeply wooded sides.  Popcorn was far more
interested in the smells.

Morning sun coming through the trees.

Despite the two sunny days we still had heavy overnight rain making it wet in places.

New leaves on the Hawthorn, which will soon be in blossom too.

The end of the valley walk and another cattle grid.

I saw some ponies in the field, other years there have been Highland Cattle in there.

This one was very curious.

I thought this was some hair from the mane of one of the ponies but on closer inspection
I could see it was frayed baler twine. 

A runner came through.

The cattle grid marks the end of the valley and our walk.

I stopped on our way back to the car for another look at the ponies.

The view back to the Blackthorn at the start.

Nikon Z6 ii and 24 - 70 lens.