Friday 29 November 2013

Home from the Hospital.

Well I'm home again having had an operation on my nose to clear up skin cancer.  As you can see from the photo it hasn't improved my looks at all!

Although I'm able to type this post I am feeling quite uncomfortable so I wont be able to put anything else on my blog for a few more days at least.  Please be patient, I appreciate you viewing my blog and hope to be back to normal again soon.


Thursday 21 November 2013

Photographers' Legal Rights.

I had an unpleasant experience recently whilst out taking photographs.  I was photographing a carpet shop and when I was returning to my car a very large man ran up the street shouting at me.  I thought he must be from the carpet shop and was wondering why I had been taking photographs, but no.  He lived in the house next door and wanted to see what I had taken.  On the edge of my picture was a very small part of his house and he demanded I delete the image which I refused to do.  He became irate and threatened to ring the police, I told him to do so as I had a right to take pictures in the public domain.  When I said before he was very large I mean well over six feet tall and obviously a body builder, not overweight and half my age!  He started to intimidate me and barred my way when I started to walk away.  He threatened to follow me to find where I lived!  I was in a hurry to get home so to avoid any more unpleasantness I deleted the file.

Later that night I related the incident to the police who confirmed that I was not obliged to delete the image and that photographers can take pictures, without permission, of anything that is in view be that buildings or people, providing they (the photographer) are stood in the public domain and not invading anyone's privacy.
The police asked me if I wanted them to take any further action but I didn't want to start something that might have recriminations in the future.

It's a very fraught subject and this is the first incident I've experienced regarding what we as photographers can take photographs of.  I looked on the internet and all sites repeat what the police said, the Amateur  Photographer magazine's site however publishes a very handy download that you can print and use as a handout to anyone who approaches you to object to your taking pictures, I have included an image of it here.

Here is a link to the site if anyone wants to obtain this useful card

I hope this might be helpful.
23rd November 2013.
Since posting this item the incident has played on my mind, it's now several days since it occurred and although I know I was in the right, and can legally continue taking photographs in the public area, I'm becoming increasingly nervous about taking my camera into situations where I may be challenged.  My main interest in photography is architecture, buildings (especially shops) boats and people.  I have to be honest and say that I'm considering giving up photography if these sort of situations are likely to happen more frequently.    

Louth Market Place.

I'm going into hospital for a couple of days next week so I may not be able to post any pictures.  
In the meantime here are a few more pictures from my favorite place, Louth.  
Mercer Row, leading down to Louth Market Place.

Masons Arms in the Market Place.  Through the arch is where their car park was many
years ago but was then covered over and developed into the thriving New Market Hall.
A very pleasant indoor market.  The outdoor market still continues however.

Today's menu at the Masons Arms.

For those with a sweet tooth!

For those in a hurry!

Just off the Market Place is Striacroft Jewellers.

They always have an impressive window display!

All pics taken on a Panasonic G5 camera.

Monday 18 November 2013

Steels Cornerhouse.

Steels Cornerhouse is in Cleethorpes Market Place.
Steels Cornerhouse Resturant in Cleethorpes Market Place.

Steels was opened by Harold Steel and his wife in 1946.  It was originally just the ground floor of a grocers shop but soon expanded to to the upper floor also as it does to this day.  The restaurant was sold in 1978 to Peter Oliver.  Peter and his brother Kieth had a fish business and Peter wanted to go into the restaurant trade.
The entrance to Steels Cornerhouse Resturant, book early or take your place in the
queue which starts rather early on busy days!
Once Peter arrived at the restaurant to find a long queue of people waiting at the door.  When he went to the head of the queue to get in a lady refused to let him by, thinking he was queue jumping.  He explained that he was in fact the restaurant owner but to no avail, she had no intention of allowing him in!  He gained entry through the rear staff entrance. The expression on her face when Peter presented her with a menu was priceless! 

This plaque is on the wall outside the main entrance to Steels.  It's part of the Cleethorpes Heritage walk,
printed guides to this walk can be obtained, free of charge, from the Cleethorpes Library.

Some famous names have visited Steels, they include Timothy Spall, Linda Bellingham 

and the Nolan Sisters.

Peter semi-retired in 2008 and the restaurant is now run by his daughter Rachel Stead and son-in-law Ian. 

I myself have enjoyed many a good Fish & Chip meal at Steels, it is simply the best fish restaurant
in the county (in my opinion).


Wednesday 13 November 2013

Seaview Street, Cleethorpes.

Seaview Street is the oldest shopping area in Cleethorpes and was originally the centre 
of the village of Itterby before Cleethorpes came into being.

Taken with a Panasonic G5 camera.

No 7 Fountain Road, Caistor.

"No 7" is an interesting residence in Caistor, it stretches along the road downhill toward "Sypher Spring" and has many curios in the windows and a rather fetching door knocker!

Quite a distinctive house.

Nice hanging baskets.

Lots of interest in the windows.

Lovely old door with quite a novel door knocker!

All pictures taken with a Panasonic G5 camera.

Monday 4 November 2013

Cleethorpes Walk (Part 2)

More photographs from my "one hour walk" around the promenade area of Cleethorpes.

Donkeys still giving rides on the beach.

Best of friends.

Cleethorpes Pier.

Tide going out.

All prizes up for grabs!

All ages trying their luck.

Sea Road approaching the Promenade at Cleethorpes.

Looking toward "The Point", the block of apartments on High Cliff.

Mid-Week out of season, still a few visitors about.

Tattoo Parlour on Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes.

Art work in the Tattoo Parlours window.

I picked out this one at random!!

"The Point" & "The Nottingham House", one of the newest and one of the oldest
Buildings in Cleethorpes.

Memorial erected in 2013 to commemorate "Armed Forces Day".

Sea View Street, a delightful  area of old shops in Cleethorpes, many retaining their
original frontages and No.16 being the oldest shop in Cleethorpes.

All photographs taken with a Panasonic G5 camera
with a 14-42mm lens (Equiv of 28-84mm in film terms).