Sunday 30 June 2019

Evening sun at Austen Fen.

My last post was of the Louth Navigation as it reaches the Riverhead at Louth.   Austen Fen is further back along the canal and was a stopping off point to load/unload goods at the wharf side warehouse.   There are quite a few along the length of the canal, where the canal is crossed by a road so goods can be loaded onto lorries.  In the early days horse and carts would have been used.

Looking one way from the bridge, as the canal continues on to Louth, is a farm.

Looking in the opposite direction is a wharf side store which would have been used 
mainly for storing grain.  Goods would be loaded/unloaded here for forward transportation
by road using horse and carts. 

The white doors on each floor are to access and load goods to each floor having been hoisted
up using the beam protruding from the top gable.

This view of the canal is as it runs north to Tetney and the North Sea.  The other direction
continues to journeys end at Louth, not a great distance but the vessels that plied their trade
along the water were all sailing boats relying on the wind for progress.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 14-42 EZ M.Zuiko lens.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Riverhead at Louth.

The Louth Navigation Canal winds it's way through Lincolnshire, from the North sea, and ends at the Riverhead in Louth.  Keelboats once sailed from Grimsby and Boston to bring goods inland via the canal, to unload at the wharf side buildings at Louth's Riverhead.

Work began to build the Louth Navigation Canal in the 1700's and it was completed in 1770.  It had a varied existence until it finally closed in 1924.  Now it's used mainly by dog walkers & anglers.

Looking along the canal to an old lock.

This is the last lock pit before the canal reaches the Riverhead.  Devoid of it's gates
the recent heavy rain is deafening as it tumbles down to the lower level.

The view in the opposite direction, from the lock, is of much calmer water.

New housing to the right of the canal contrasting with industrial yards opposite.

Just beyond this peaceful stretch is journeys end at the Riverhead.

One of the locals out for it's walk, a lovely Ruby Cavalier.

Wild Mallow.

The Riverhead and wharf buildings.

In recent years this building was used as a builders Merchants but has been renovated
and is in the care of the "Louth Navigation Trust".

This & the following photo are of the opposite wharf side building of apartments.


Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 14-42mm EZ Mzuiko lens.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Rainy Days & Tuesdays.

Well, most of Britain is experiencing heavy, prolonged rain and localised flooding & here in Lincolnshire we haven't escaped it either
The Cricket world Cup game is rained off & Suzi flatly refuses to go out for her walk (she hates her raincoat).  So....what to do?  Well, if rain has stopped play at the cricket there's no need to let it ruin the whole day so I photographed it!  Actually, I photographed the rain running down our patio door (from the inside of course) and "fiddled" with the pics to make a blog post.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 12-100 Pro Lens.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

The woodyard at Barrow Haven & New Holland Bulk Terminal.

This post follows on from the boats at Barrow Haven & into the small dockyard there.  The port is used mainly for the importation & storage of timber and steel shuttering.
As it was a Sunday there was no activity in the dockyard so we were able to get a few pictures, I took mainly pattern/texture pictures.

The timber yard at Barrow Haven Dockyard.

Pallets of timber everywhere, these were all slender, staves with pointed ends.
I couldn't work out what they might be used for.

As can be seen here, the timber came from distant places.

As I like to take pattern & texture pictures I found these staves interesting.

Between two pallets is a view of Barrow Haven and the Humber Estuary in the 
distance with the Humber Bridge spanning it from Barton Upon Humber across to 
Hessle on the Yorkshire side.

A stand of steel shuttering, the sort you might see holding up deep road excavations
or similarly along the banks of a canal.

Flat steel sheeting, I liked the shapes, lines & rust.

Mooring rope left on the quayside.

We travelled on, along the route of the Barton to Cleethorpes
Community line to New Holland.

This weathered information board shows the route and stations along the 
community railway.

No trains running on a Sunday so no danger getting down low for this shot

Here the railway line enters New Holland Dock and Bulk Terminal area.
Even on a weekday there's no public access beyond here.

The Humber Bulk access to us!

Bulk cargo vessels moor up to the jetty to unload their cargoes, mainly grain.
This long jetty was originally used by  Steam Paddle ships operating a ferry service over
the Humber Estuary after the previous service stopped from the nearby Barrow Haven.
On 24th July 1981, the Humber Bridge was opened to the public.  It was officially opened
by HM Queen Elizabeth II on 17th July 1981.  
The ferry service from here ceased shortly after that.

Grain silos.

The moon showing in the clear blue sky.

A panoramic view of the New Holland Bulk Terminal.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 12-100 Pro Lens.