Friday 31 March 2017

Woodhall Spa 1940's Weekend, 2016. More characters from the 1940s Day.

This is the last set of images from the 2016 Woodhall Spa 1940s Weekend.  A few more of the people in character and dressed in the style of dress from the 1940s.

These 1940s events inevitably concentrate on the wartime and all things military.  I've tried with these shots to focus (excuse the pun) on the people who dressed as members of the public would have dressed in those days.

This lady was nicely dressed but the obvious mobile 'phone is out of character (& time).

Correct.....she's texting.

When someone poses you just have to photograph them, even if this is military.

A very nice couple tho'

He was a really good character.

This is the "Petwood Hotel" which was the officer's mess for RAF 617 Squadron
(the famous Dambusters) in WW2.

I'm very pleased I have a Compact System Camera which is as light as a feather, almost.

People on the lawn of the Petwood.

Sat in the lounge of the Petwood.

They were all enjoying this chap's singing.  He was really good.

Almost the end of the day so I had to find a dog to finish on.

This definitely is the end.  As usual at the end of an event the bins were full and overflowing.
At least people did their best and piled the excess close to the bin for collection.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Cleethorpes Promenade (again....sorry)

All images taken on the Olympus 40mm - 150mm lens that came with my
Olympus EM10 mk2 camera.  I've not used it until taking these.

Monday 27 March 2017

Lincolnshire Churches. Coates by Stow, Saint Edith's Church.

There is no village, the church of Saint Edith at Coates by Stow, stands beside a farm at the end of a very narrow country lane.

The church is small and consists of a small Chancel, Nave and has a Belcote.  

The origins of the building are from the 12th Century.  The main reason for visiting Saint Edith's Church is to see the 15th Century Rood Screen, the oldest in Lincolnshire, which has been restored in recent years.

The 15th Century Rood Screen.

Timbered Ceiling.

Carved pew ends.

Although the church is in an isolated, lonely situation people still care for it.  These fresh
flowers were in a niche in the nave wall.

A simple but attractive Lancet window.

The font is built into the floor of the church.

Detail of the ornate font lid.

The Rood Screen with ornate tracery in the arches below.

To the side of the Screen is a small door opening with steps
leading up to a gallery above the Rood Screen.
A notice advised visitors not to attempt the climb up these
stairs.  I took the advice and resisted but would so liked to have
ascended to the gallery.
More fresh flowers by this doorway.

This is the rear view of the screen and the gallery can be seen above the arches.
A white sheet hangs over the doorway to the left, that leads from the stairs and out
onto the gallery.

View from the Chancel looking back through the Nave to the west end window.

These brasses in the Chancel are in memory of William
Butler and his wife, they date from 1653.

The small Chancel.

View from the pulpit.

The pulpit was lit by candles originally. 

The original stone floor with an inscription in the large stone slab in the foreground.

As you leave the church there is a Royal Coat of Arms dating from 1635.
Badly faded now, but would have been an impressive sight in all it's glorious colours.

This Saxon door is the only way in or out of the church.

On the south side of the church is an impressive urn commemorating the Maltby family.

Saint Edith's Church is very small but has a lovely atmosphere.

All interior pictures taken on an Olympus EM10 Mk2 camera with 9-18mm lens.