Monday 28 September 2020

"The Fishtail"

In 2017  a new groyne, or breakwater, was constructed on our beach.  I photographed part of it's construction and posted that on this blog, click the link below if you want to see that.

New sea defence Groin 

A few days ago I photographed the finished groin which is known locally as "The Fishtail" for obvious reasons.

Looking along "The Fishtail" from our promenade.

A "Selfie" of the photographer!

Olympus EM1 Mk2 + 12-100mm Pro lens.

Thursday 24 September 2020

D-Day landings hero.

 In 2017 I photographed a veteran of the D-Day landings as part of my post covering the Cleethorpes Armed Services tribute Parade.  That man was Walter Marshall, a Royal Navy Intelligence Officer.

Sadly, Walter has died and his funeral was last week, an article appeared in our local newspaper.  Walter and some of his comrades played a big part in the landings both on the day and before, it's all in the newspaper report.  I've included a link to the report below:

Walter Marshall, D-Day Veteran

Please click on the link and read about Walter.

Lieutenant Walter Marshall.

Monday 21 September 2020

The Lincolnshire Countryside. (3)

 Following on from our previous walk with Suzi.

Many of the fields have now been harvested and, as in this one, ploughed already.

We often see a classic British motorbike along this lane but, on this occasion, a lovely old car. 

Some late summer Wild Poppies.

Wild Mallow.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 14-42 EZ Mzuiko.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

The Lincolnshire Countryside (2) Another walk in the Wolds.

 We're still avoiding populated areas so Suzi gets another walk 

 along the Lincolnshire lanes.

Harvesting is in full swing, perhaps a bit late, but this field has been cleared.

Hawthorn Berries.

A farm sale, sadly.

View from the top of the Lincolnshire Wolds, seen in the distance is the 
Humber Estuary with wind turbines visible on both banks of the Humber.
(Best to view this pic large, if you can).

Another pic to view large, harvested fields with Balers in action in the distance.

Inquisitive "local".

The former Gatehouse in Grainsby Park.

A bit of bark texture on a mature tree.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 + 14-42 EZ Mzuiko.

Sunday 6 September 2020

The Lincolnshire Countryside.

We've started to venture out, but only by car to the Lincolnshire  Wolds, to take Suzi for walks and get a photograph or two.  These pics are from two walks.

Olympus EM10 Mk2 with 14-42 EZ Mzuiko & 25mm F1.8 Prime Lens.