Sunday 12 May 2024

Fitties foreshore in March.

 Popcorn & I had a walk along the Fitties foreshore on a mild day in March.  I usually like the tide to be out so the creeks and sandbanks are visible but on this occasion it was high tide.

The large sandbank in the distance is only ever covered during a high Spring tide but there is 
a deep creek which encircles it with a strong current. People often get in trouble leaving things a bit late and then try to wade back to the shore!

It was a lovely quiet day along here and this cyclist was taking a break.

The craze of leaving padlocks with messages.

Another view of the sandbank.  It changes shape and it's position on the beach 
with each tide.

An example of a Lincolnshire "BIG SKY"!

Breakwaters leading to a popular part of the beach where it's relatively safe to let kids play. 

There are a few posts that have weathered over the years leaving shapes & textures.

Popcorn isn't too keen when I tether him for a moment when photographing.

"That's better dad, are we going now"?

Nikon Z6 ii with 24 - 70mm lens.


  1. A lovely post, David. Love the scenery and that Big Sky .Popcorn looks so happy when the photography is over! We've had some sunny days recently, though it's turned a bit chilly today. Hoping to get out and about next week - weather permitting. Good wishes.

    1. Thank you Mike, our recent spell of sunny dry weather has turned back to rain showers again. Popcorn ^ I went out most days and I took quite a few photos at a few locations further away from home. While the weatgers not so good I'll take the opportunity to get a few posts prepared.
      Take care, David.

  2. Such beautiful photos, David. Your shoreline is very similar to ours here in Zeeland. I love the endless beaches and the small inlets. The wooden breakwaters are very similar to the ones here as well. It made me smile to see that Popcorn does the same thing as Zoe with his head between his paws. By the way, I didn't see this post on my blog list and the last one listed with the trees seems to have gone. I just came looking because I hadn't seen anything from you for a bit, so I'm glad I found this one.

    1. Thanks Val. The post about trees only appeared briefly as I clicked on "Publish" instead of "Preview"! I quickly withdrew it and thought I'd got away with it!!
      Popcorn often lays like that with his head on his paws, another thing he does is to sit with his front paws crossed which looks very appealing. Try as I might I haven't been able to catch him doing that one yet.
      Take care Val, David.

    2. Ah I’d like to see the crossed paws pose. That’s not one Zoe does. I think her paws are too big.
