Sunday 19 May 2024

An evening and a morning walks.

 Popcorn & I had a walk yesterday on a lovely sunny evening, followed by another this morning.  No camera on either occasion so these are off my mobile phone, which isn't a top of the range model but needs must.

Farm track leading up to a new limestone quarry.

A barn at Wold Newton catching the low evening sun.  This barn was a favourite of my wife 
when we used to walk here together.

A row of some favourite trees.

Another pic of the barn, don't know why blogger put it out of sequence?  But we all
know how it sometime plays little tricks. 


The low evening sunlight catching the tops of these trees.

An old English Rose in a garden in the village.

Evening sun highlighting these Beech leaves.

And then on to this morning, these few pics taken at Grainsby.
A meadow full of Buttercups.

The road leading into an avenue of trees.

And finally, a rare summer version of the Fly Agaric fungi that only appears, in May, 
in Lincolnshire.  It's called  "Resinii Plasticus"!!

Great, don't you think?

Samsung mobile phone.


  1. That barn is gorgeous, David. I love the look of it too. It was a beautiful day here yesterday as well and as a birthday treat (mine), we went out for a 'spuddle' on the Hennie H. I'll be posting some photos of that soon. Anyway, back to your lovely walk, the trees are quite magnificent and it was lovely to see the photo of the laburnum. I haven't seen seen it here at all. Thank you, as always, for sharing your walks with us.

    1. Well, belated Happy Birthday Val. I'm pleased to hear you were able to get out on the water.
      Thank you for your comments, the photo's were off my mobile phone so not too bad as it's by no means a top of the range model. The evening was so lovely after the rain recently, I'm pleased you enjoyed them.
      Take care, David & Popcorn.
