Monday 27 May 2024

Cleethorpes Promenade & Railway Station.

 Some recent photo's from a walk along our seafront on a rare sunny day.  It's nice to go down there in the off season when there aren't many visitors.

The entrance to our pier, dogs not allowed beyond here so we don't go there.

One of the cafes where dogs can sit outside with their carers.
(I don't like the term "owners" )

I never knew there was ice cream for dogs!

My previous two dogs have been Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  A gorgeous breed. 
The little Ruby dog has a tag on it's lead telling folk "I'm nervous".

The railway Station at Cleethorpes takes visitors right up to the beach.

Dogs are allowed on the beach from the end of October until Easter.  Then they are banned.

This is the cross Pennine train to Liverpool.

Passengers arriving.

While I was there some platform repair work was underway.

Helter Skelter, it's been here for many years, but I remember the more traditional wooden
one that stood here when I was a child.  The "big wheel" has always been here.

The Mermaid Café at the station.

Nikon Z6 ii + 24 - 70mm lens.


  1. Hello David, superb photos as always. Interesting to see the seafront prior to the holiday season. Good to see the Helter Skelters. I remember the old fashioned wooden ones on day trips to the south coast with my parents. You certainly had some good weather. It's rainy and dull here now.

    1. Thank you Mike, this weather's getting down now. Although we can't do much as Pocorn has been quite ill and had to spend a few days at the vets premises. He's getting better but slowly. David

    2. Hello David - so sorry to hear that Popcorn has been ill and hope that he is on the mend. Good wishes, Mike.

  2. More lovely photos of Cleethorpes, David. You're really hooking me with these gorgeous, colourful images. I never got to cleethorpes when I was n Lincolnshire, but I feel I have to get there one of these days.

    1. I'm sure you would enjoy Cleethorpes Val. You said in a previous comment you'd like to see Popcorn in his relaxed pose where he crosses his legs. Well, I managed to catch him with my phone & will add it to a post.
