Sunday 13 October 2024

Waithe Lane on a stormy day.

 We had a walk along Waithe Lane, it was a day of sunshine and showers. 

A panoramic view over the fields from the lane. 

Very late flowering Cow Parsley.

Next years cereal crop has germinated in the recent rain showers and sunshine.

In the distance the clouds were building up and rain showers created a rainbow.

Blue sky above but the rain was on it's way towards us.

Poplar trees with more new crops.

The heavy clouds getting closer so we made a hasty retreat back to the car.

We got back just in time, the view through the windscreen tells a story.

Panasonic TZ100 Compact Camera.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Ponies at the Windmill.

 Popcorn & I went to the monthly meeting of the "Simply Mustangs UK" car club.  It was at the Waltham Windmill site.  I took one or two photographs and went off to have a walk around the grounds.  The windmill is one of only a few in the UK with 6 sails but at the moment the sails & cap are off for extensive renovations.

I published a post of Waltham Windmill some time ago when it was in full working order, you can see it here  Waltham Windmill with all 6 sails.

The cap & sails are being renovated on site so I got a few photo's of them and hope to return in a few months time to see them being reinstalled.

"Simply Mustangs UK"

The Mustang cars were on the playing field at Waltham Windmill and already had quite
a crowd of interested onlookers,

They're all kept in pristine, shiny condition. 

Red, white & blue are my favourite colours in photo's.  

A lovely example of a Mustang car.

As well as the Mustang badge on the grill, this car had a poignant  memorial plate remembering 
a much loved dog.  Being a life long dog lover I had to include it here on this post.

A detail pic.

A couple of passengers including another Zippy!

Windmill renovations.

The mill tower, now without it's cap & sails.

The renovations are being done in conjunction with Historic England.
In the background is the Museum of Rural Life, another place to visit on site.

The cap now on the ground.

The sails are being stored in a compound nearby. 

Another view of them, with a pram in the foreground (?)

This is an exhibit from the Museum of Rural life, just a doll in a traditional pram.

This pic shows the heavy iron plates that hold the cap onto the top of the mill tower. 

A final view of the cap and sails in the background.

Nikon Z6.2 + 24-70mm lens.

Sunday 29 September 2024

A look back at Spring 2024.

Popcorn & I had a few walks in the Spring and this is a selection of photo's, taken in several areas.

A popular bridleway and one my wife & I used to enjoy walking along.

Cherry Blossom alongside the bridleway.

Not sure, but I believe this is apple blossom.


This field is always full of the Cowslips a week after I took this photo they were abundant.

Bluebells, always a welcome sight in Springtime.

A barn up on the Wolds, I know a pair of Barn Owls nest in here most years.
You can see the square hole the farmer has left in the top of the door.

Farm buildings in the valley here.

I have several favourite trees and this is high up on my list.

My assistant Popcorn waiting patiently.

A view across the Wolds.

A young woman jogged by, just ahead of her is a large bank of wild Garlic.

Wild Garlic, it spreads rapidly so don't try it in your garden!   The smell of garlic here
was very strong.

Garlic flowers.

A few houses nestled into the hillside on the Wolds.

An old quarry, redundant now for many years.

I love to photograph old doors with the paint peeling off, lots of character.

In the foreground is the old weighbridge, used to weigh the lorries carrying limestone
away from the quarry.

Back out on the Wolds now and another of my favourite trees.  Still bare and leafless but I
enjoy the skeletal shape of trees at this time of the year.  Alongside it is a field of Rape, grown
for it's seed.  A very productive crop for the farmers and grown in abundance all over
Lincolnshire.  On  a hot evening the smell from the flowers can be overpowering.

Thank you for visiting my blog, please leave a comment.

Nikon Z6.2 with 24 - 70mm lens.