Friday 2 February 2024

Hubbard's Hills, Louth.

 Hubbard's Hills is a local beauty spot in a valley on the edge of Louth.  I first went there as a young boy on a Sunday School outing and I've been going back there regularly many times over the years with my family.

"Hubbard's Hills was donated to the town of Louth by the trustees of Auguste Alphonse Pahud, and opened to the public on 1 August 1907.[3] Auguste Pahud, who was Swiss, moved to Louth in 1875 to take up duties as a German and French teacher at King Edward VI Grammar School." 

Above information courtesy of Wikipedia.

Popcorn & I visited on 17th January this year, the River Ludd flows through here and during the recent heavy rain parts of the valley were flooded and impassable.  We only went a short way into the valley as it was still very muddy.  

The low sunlight lit the valley up.

A dog walker, this part was quite boggy, frozen solid in parts but muddy were the sun had been.  

This small building is dedicated to the benefactor mentioned above, who gave Hubbard's Hills
to the people of Louth.  Unfortunately, like many things, the vandals have "decorated" it.

The River Ludd as it flows through the valley towards the town of Louth.  It had burst
it's bank in many places during the rain & storms.

More dog walkers enjoying a very cold frosty day by the river.

This was as far as we walked, beyond here required wellies. 
We'll be back later in the Spring or early summer for a longer walk.

Nikon Z50 + 18 - 140mm lens.


  1. It looks a lovely area, David, and must be more so on a Spring day, once the mud had disappeared. How differently, you would have viewed the area on that Sunday School trip We see things so differently as we age. Popcorn must love all these walks. Take care, good wishes.

    1. It is a magical in any weather but the recent floods puts it out of bounds for Popcorn & I for a while. My wife & I found the best time to visit was an evening at the end of a hot summers day. Most people had gone home and we often had the place to ourselves with just the ducks for company.
      Popcorn loves his walks and isn't too fussy where we go, it gets me out of the house & I usually take a camera with me. We've been having a mild spell, 14 degrees yesterday, but snow is forecast for Thursday and I think that included your area too!
      Take care Mike
