Friday 6 October 2023

Armed Forces weekend

 Cleethorpes celebrates our Armed Forces each year and has various other attractions along the promenade.

I went along the promenade the day before the main celebrations, and march, to photograph the stalls and attractions.

Central promenade and all the sideshows, stalls & attractions.

Great if you like cheese.

Eurofighter Typhoon display.

This stall caught my eye as it was just for doggy treats.

Promoting the "Red Arrows".

Super old truck, American?  I thought so as it was left hand drive.

A fairground ride.

Not many customers, this lady was waiting for some to arrive.

No idea what awaited customers in here.

Lots of dogs about, as you know I like photographing them when I'm out.

I've never liked roller coasters but might risk a ride on the "Cup & Saucer".

More dog treats.

Not impressed.

I'm a vegetarian but found this sausage stall interesting.

From within we can see the hot charcoal burner.  26 degrees in the shade
on that day by the way!

Octopus stall?  Don't know why!

There was a large Ferris Wheel on the prom and yes, I did have a ride on that.
(Pictures taken on the wheel will be in another post, this post has too many pics already.)

A stage for various performers throughout the weekend.

Local young people entertaining the visitors.

This lady videoing the performers.

And this chap.

Then he realised I was photographing him!  He was very amused, nice chap.

These two stewards amused me as they "posed" outside "The lost boys" shop.

And this young lady steward gave me a wave and a smile.

The Ferris wheel with the site for the new RNLI station on the beach.
At present all work stopped on this project as the main contractor went into liquidation.

This little dog was resting in the shade and I was amused by it's juxtaposition to that sign!

Two very different forms of transport!

The last pic looking back along the prom.

Nikon Z50 + 16 - 50 lens.


  1. What a lovely, colourful post, David. It looks as if it was quite an event with lots of smiling faces. I did enjoy all the dog photos, especially the little one resting his aching muscles :) I too am a vegetarian, but I like watching food stalls and people cooking, even if it involves meat. The smells can be very enticing.

  2. Hi Val and thank you for commenting. Back in the day (not quite the dark ages, but many years ago) I had my own darkroom. Very primitive but served its purpose, and I created exhibition black & white prints. I favoured low key high adcontrast subjects and when my health required ne to give up my darkroom I changed to colour slide photography and went all out for bold, saturated colours and this has continued into the current digital age. So yes, I do enjoy anything colorful.
    I wasn't always a vegetarian and can't imagine how I ever ate meat but have to admit I could weaken when I smell bacon frying! David.

  3. I like the style of your recent posts - full of interest and colour and glad you don't forget the doggy friends. I'll go back and look through the post again later today. Good wishes.

    1. Thanks Mike, I do like bold colours. And dogs of course!

  4. I'm just trying to process the 'foot long fries' !!!!!! Cute pooches and blinged up mobility scooters :)

    1. It's always the dogs that catch my eye. Thanks Lulu, take care, David
