Friday, 2 September 2022

Away for a while.

 I wont be posting anything for a while as I have to go into hospital for an operation.  

Apologies as I wont be able to reply to any comments.  David.


  1. Hello David, all the best for your operation and recuperation. Sending you some virtual flowers 🌼🌸🌷 I understand you won't be able to respond to comments, but I shall return to read some of your recent posts. As always I am behind in reading :0 That's a lovely picture of you with your dog. Lulu x

    1. Thanks Lulu, hope I wont be away too long. I'm holding the cup away as Suzi loves tea! 😃

  2. Wishing you all the very best for your surgery, David. I do hope it’s successful and you’ll be back with us soon. Like, Lulu, I love this photo. What an adorable little dog. She obviously loves you very dearly.

    1. Thank you Val, hope to be back asap. 😊 🐕 🐢

  3. All good wishes David, trust everything will go well. Take care.

  4. I have been neglectful in commenting on your ongoing delightful blog posts, but don’t want to miss the opportunity to wish you the very best possible outcome and successful, quick recovery. Many of us are cheering you on, of course! Take care and I will look for your return to blogging. As always, Ann K.

    1. Thank you Ann my operation is tomorrow, so after today I wont be able to respond to comments. 😊 🐕 🐢
