Saturday 27 July 2024

Humberston Fitties at high tide.

Another visit to a favourite place, the Fitties area of our beach at Humberston.

 I took these photo's at the end of June on a bright sunny day.  The tide was almost at it's height with the large sandbanks still visible, very quickly though they were submerged.

Although the Fitties are just within the mouth of the Humber Estuary this view is looking
out toward the North Sea.  All the shipping trade comes through this stretch of water on the 
way to the Humber ports or Grimsby, Hull and Barrow Haven.

The banks of the Fitties are full of wild plants that thrive in the salty, windswept air.

A North Sea commercial ferry can be seen heading out to sea.

Looking back along the beach, toward Cleethorpes, only a few local people are on the beach.

The more hardy folk are making a day of it, complete with windbreaks.
It might have been June but there was a brisk east wind coming in off the water.

Of course, I noticed a dog walker, so did Popcorn!

Wild flowers and grasses shield the view of a family on the beach.

Nikon Z6 2 with 40-70mm lens.


  1. You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. These photos are wonderful and they give a very good sense of what you experience when out for a stroll there. The view to the sea seems endless. You have really captured the colors of nature at the sea so well. I always a post like this for we won’t be returning to our beloved New England beach this fall and these pictures give me a boost! Take care and enjoy these summer days. Ann K.

    1. Thank you Ann. It's a place I've been visiting a lot recently as it has an unspoilt relaxed atmosphere. Our visitors are discovering it more so the beach gets quite crowded, I was there today and took some pics of all the activity.
      It's a shame you won't get to New England this year as I know how much you enjoy it. Take care, David.

  2. Oh I love these photos, David. I find this kind of unspoilt coast so peaceful. Rocks and bays are beautiful too, but give me these endless stretches of beach with inlets and dunes any day. Wonderful!

    1. It is unspoilt Val, at its southern end is the start of the Tetney Nature Reserve but here it's just beach and sand dunes. No rides or amusements, just open space. I was down there today and the beach had lots of visitors enjoying a sunny day. Thank you Val, take care. David
